Tuesday, January 14, 2014

On-Board Diagnostics

First thing's first, I need to know more about what my car is doing. I purchased an ELM wireless device for about $20 that connects to your cars OBD-II port (all cars build after 1996 have one). You do need to buy a third-party mobile app in order to read from it, however. DashCommander sells for about $10 for iOS and works great. So for about $30, you can have and on-board diagnostic reader that not only shows you any error codes, but shows you real-time information about all the sensors on your car including speed, horsepower, and gas consumption.

One thing to note when purchasing one of these devices. If you are using an iPhone, you must purchase the wifi version. Bluetooth does not work because it requires modifications to the adapter that Apple does not let you do. So unless you've jail broken your iPhone, get the wifi version. If you've got an Android device, go for the bluetooth.

One other thing to note is that the device broadcasts wifi with no password. This is rather insecure so I would suggest only keeping the device plugged in to your car while you're using it.

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